The membership is open to all interested scientists in the fields of plant and animal Cytology, Genetics, Evolution, Cell and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology including those of interdisciplinary nature.
The Society shall have the following classes of members:
1. | Ordinary member* | INR.300 per annum |
2. | Life member | INR. 4,000 |
The society selects eminent and outstanding scientist for the prestigious Honorary Membership.
* Rs. 50/= as admission fee for the fresh members
A member shall be entitled to all privileges of the Society granted from time to time. Members shall receive the Journal of the Society at no cost. All other publications of the Society can be purchased at a reduced price which will be decided by the Executive Council.
The members shall have the right to vote and to elect Office Bearers of the Society.
Membership of the society may be withdrawn any time by indicating this in a letter addressed to the Secretary. A member who has thus withdrawn, shall, however, forfeit his/her fees paid in advance, if any.
A withdrawing member, whose subscription is not in arrears, shall automatically recover the privileges of membership without re-election, on rejoining the Society