1. The supreme authority shall rest with the General Body consisting of all members. The General Body shall meet at least once in two years. All policy decisions and the necessary elections shall be held at the General Body Meeting. The right to pass budgets and to enact laws and bye laws shall be vested in the General Body.
  2. The day-to-day administration shall be carried out by an Executive Council shall consisting of : (a) The President, (b) two Vice-Presidents, (c) the Secretary, (d) two Joint Secretaries one at the head quarters of the Society , (e) the Treasurer, (f) the Editor, (g) the Joint Editor, (h) the Associate Editor and (i) nine elected Councillors.

  3. The Executive Council shall enroll all classes of members, nominate members on the Editorial Board and exercise all powers delegated to it by the General Body.

  4. (a) Correspondence regarding membership and all official matters other than publications shall be addressed to the Hon. Secretary, Society of Cytologists and Geneticists.
    (b) Distribution of publications or Journals shall be addressed to the Treasurer, Society of Cytologists and Geneticists.
    (c) Membership fee and other financial matters shall be addressed to the Treasurer, Society of Cytologists and Geneticists.
    (d) Manuscripts and Editorial matters shall be addressed to the Editor, The Journal of Cytology and Genetics.