n the year 1987 Executive Council decided to institute the
read as” Fellow of Society of Cytologists and Geneticists” and the short form
of fellowship
as FSCG.
The following rules are framed:
Members of the Society are eligible for election as Fellows of the Cytologists and
Geneticists , India in recognition of their contributions in the field of Cytology
and Genetics.
All life members of the Society shall be eligible for nominations to the fellowship
of the Society.
- Each nominations is to be supported by two life members in addition to the proposer
and seconder. The proposer and seconder shall also be life members. All Nominations
must be accompanied by a detailed bio-data of the nominee together with a note on
research contributions and list of publications.
- For the first two years up to 100 and for the subsequent years not more than 5
Fellows could be elected and the total number of Fellows of the Society at any time
shall not exceed 200.
- The selection of the Fellows will be made on the basis of recommendations by the
Executive Council and to be subsequently approved by the General Body of the
Society. After approval of the General Body they deemed to be elected as Fellowes of
the Society.