The Journal of Cytology and Genetics accepts reviews, full-length articles not exceeding 10 pages ( approx. 20 manuscript pages including figures and tables) and short communications not more than 3 pages (within 2000 words) in the area of cytology, genetics, biotechnology, molecular biology and allied subjects. Submission of the manuscript implies that the work has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and if accepted it will not be published elsewhere. Two copies of the manuscript with a set of original figures and photographs along with its electronic form on a CD are to be submitted to the editor.
While preparing the manuscript, the format followed in the journal shall strictly be adhered to. The manuscript should be typed on one side, double-spaced with a 30 mm margin on all sides and completely ready for type setting. The title page should include a brief and specific title of the paper, name(s) of author(s) affiliation(s) and address for correspondence including Email ID. The material must be clearly arranged under appropriate headings and presented in a good, readable style. Each contribution should be preceded by a summary. Immediately after the SUMMARY, 3-5 Keywords indicating the scope of the paper must be provided. Genus and species names should be in italics. Complete scientific name should be given when organisms are first mentioned. The genus name may subsequently be abbreviated to the initial. Tables prepared in conformity with the journal`s style must be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and submitted separately from the text at the end of the paper. Each table shall have a short self-explanatory title. Vertical and horizontal lines within the table are not allowed. Data given in graphs or tables should not be repeated in the text. All pages of the manuscript including table and figures legends should be numbered consecutively. Symbols should be well defined and used consistently in figures, tables and text (lower case or capital letters, Arabic or roman numerals). Citation of References in the text as follows: Girish & Saidapur (2003) or (Engell 1994). If there are more than two authors, only the first should be named followed by et al. If there is more than one work from the same author(s) or team of authors in the same year, the letter a, b, c etc. is added to the year both in the text and in the References. Listing of references in the text should be alphabetical e.g. (Adams 1989, Bell & Tora 1999, Prasad et al. 2002, Shao & Tu 2001). Units of measure should be metric and conform to SI notation e.g., mg, g, cm, mm etc. and likewise duration should be abbreviated e.g., h, min, sec, d, wks, y and none of them should be followed by full points unless they appear at the end of the sentence. Figures should be submitted as high-quality glossy photographic prints (singly or as composite photographs) or as line drawings neatly executed in black ink suitable for full page reproduction. Illustrations must be restricted to the minimum needed to clarify the text. The figures should be set to match the printing area (15 X 17 cm). All figures (incl. graphs or diagrams) are to be numbered consecutively throughout and submitted separately. Figures should not be designated with letters. Both in the text and legends, the figures should be referred to as Fig. 1, 2, 3 and so on. Legend should be short and appended to the text. They should provide a brief, self-sufficient description of each figure. Like tables, legends should also be submitted on separate sheets following the main text. Under References works that are cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order under the first author`s name. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with the rules set by Chemical Abstracts.
BONNER J T 2003 On the origin of differentiation J Biosci 28 523-528
MIGLANI G S 2008 Fundamental of genetics Narosa Publishing House New Delhi
MORIKAWA H & NISHIHARA M 1997 Use of pollen in gene transfer In Shivanna K R & Sawhney V K (eds) Pollen biotechnology for crop production and improvement Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp 423-437˝
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