The Society of Cytologists and Geneticists was established in the year 1965 with a Steering Committee of six eminent and leading Cytologists and Geneticists Prof. J. Venkateswarlu (Convener), Prof.R.P. Roy (Secretary), Prof. T.N. Khoshoo (Joint Secretary), Prof. A.K. Sharma (Treasurer), Prof.(Mrs) Archana Sharma (Business Manager), Prof. P.N. Bhaduri (Member) and Prof. M.S. Channaveeraiah (Member). The Society was registered on 2nd December 1968 Tunder Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 with registration No.G.399(DWR).
The Society of Cytologist and Geneticists was started with the following AIMS in preliminary meeting held on 2nd January 1965 at Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.
The Society is headquartered in Bengaluru.