The Journal of Cytology and Genetics was started in 1966 as the Chief Organ of the Society of Cytologists and Geneticists.
This journal was registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India vide Regn No. KARENG/1998/2115 with ISSN 0253-7605. Since 1991 it is printed and published from Bengaluru, the headquarters of the Society of Cytologists and Geneticists. The address of the Editor and Editorial Office is as follows:
Prof.B.H.M. Nijalingappa, Editor, Journal of Cytology and Genetics
261, 7th Main Road, Hampinagara, Vijayanagar II Stage, Bengaluru 560 104
Karnataka, India. Email:bhmnij@gmail.com. Ph.098451 08449; 080-23387421.
Ordinarily, the journal is published once a year on 31st December; however, depending upon the number of papers received it may be
published as 2 parts one on 30th June and the other on 31st December every year.